Understanding Research: Annotated Bibliography
Jennifer Althaus
What types of bullying do ASD adolescents in inclusive schooling experience and what is the impact on their lives?
Autism is a neurological disorder characterised by deficits in social communication and interaction and restricted and repetitive behaviours. Whilst inclusion is important research has found that students with ASD who attend inclusive mainstream schooling are more likely to bullied than those in special education classrooms (Adams et al., 2016). As well as being more vulnerable to bullying, the lack of social skills places ASD students at higher risk of being ignored by their peers and purposely excluded (Adams et al., 2016).
This research looks at the types of bullying within mainstream education and the impact it has on the daily lives of ASD adolescents. This topic is the start of broader research into whether there is an association between the characteristics of ASD, student bullying and ASD adolescents becoming entangled in the criminal justice system. By understanding the types of bullying and their impact we can work toward the development of an education system that is cohesive to successfully lessening ASD adolescent crime and incarceration.
Literature Search Strategy and Findings
The Griffith University Library, Proquest Education, Eric Proquest and Google Scholar were used to systemically search key terms taken from the statement of research. Key terms included ASD, bullying, adolescents, inclusive schooling, and synonyms relating to these terms. Searches were refined to peer review and full text and a date range of 10 years, 5 years being the preferable. Key words used by articles of interested along with recommended articles by search engines added to the scope of research.

Annotated Bibliography

The studies included in this research provide an insight into the types of bullying experienced by ASD students in inclusive schooling and the impact it has on their lives. Included, for the purpose of comparative study, is research on the understanding of bullying by ASD students in a special school and the understanding of neurotypical students. ASD students are found to be at a higher risk of bullying than their neurotypical peers with a surprise finding by Hwang et al., (2018) that ASD students have a higher level of understanding of bullying than their non-ASD counterparts.
The articles chose for this research focus on studies based on questionnaires and interviews with students and proxy-reports by parents. Investigation into the understanding of the types of bullying and the impact of bullying by teachers and staff of inclusive schools would provide further scope and direction.
Adams, R., Taylor, J., Duncan, A., & Bishop, S. (2016). Peer Victimization and Educational Outcomes in Mainstreamed Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(11), 3557-3566. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-016-2893-3
Ashburner, J., Saggers, B., Campbell, M. A., Julie, A. D. W., Yoon‐Suk, H., Carrington, S., & Bobir, N. (2019). How are students on the autism spectrum affected by bullying? Perspectives of students and parents. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 19(1), 27-44. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1111/1471-3802.12421
Cappadocia, M. C., Weiss, J. A., & Pepler, D. (2012). Bullying Experiences Among Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 42(2), 266-277. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-011-1241-x
Fink, E., Olthof, T., Goossens, F., van der Meijden, S., & Begeer, S. (2018). Bullying-Related Behaviour in Adolescents with Autism: Links with Autism Severity and Emotional and Behavioural Problems. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 22(6), 684-692. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1177/1362361316686760
Fisher, M. H., & Taylor, J. L. (2016). Let's Talk about It: Peer Victimization Experiences as Reported by Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice, 20(4), 402-411.
Hwang, Y.-S., Dillon-Wallace, J., Campbell, M., Ashburner, J., Saggers, B., Carrington, S., & Hand, K. (2018). How Students with Autism Spectrum Conditions Understand Traditional Bullying and Cyberbullying. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 22(4), 391-408. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1080/13603116.2017.1370736